About Phibrows
Phibrows is a form of microblading and is a manual semi-permanent technique creating hyper realistic hair strokes on the brows with the use of a small blade depositing pigment into the skin. Shape of the eyebrows is calculated according to the golden intersection and face morphology. The pigment is chosen to match the natural hair or eyebrows colour. Because each individual hyper realistic hairstroke is created, this is what gives you a very natural shaped brow. If you have thin, sparse, eyebrows that lack shape or no eyebrows at all then phibrows could be what you need to transform and add that structure to your face. If you have been thinking of getting microblading done but not quite confident enough in taking that next step to enquire then please feel free to call me or leave your details and we can book you in for a free consultation.

Click on the button below to learn more about Phi Brows After Care
-applying cream to the brows is necessary for the first week.
-avoid excessive exercise for the first 7 days after your Phi Brows Treatment.
-avoid sun beds, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, fruit acids.
-avoid botox for 2 weeks after treatment.
-no makeup on the eye brow area for the first week.
For our full list of PhiBrow aftercare advice, please contact us....
Benefits of PhiBrows
Provides very precise hairstrokes
Provides perfect symmetry
Beautiful Eyebrow Shape
Enhances the natural shape of a client's face & bone structure